Day Eighty One

Today's miles: 0
Total miles: 1726

We took a great zero day in Ashland, OR today - though the town was so cute and quaint that many of us hikers wanted to take a "yearo" and just quit the trail and stay here until next summer.

We slept in until 8:00 and then hung out being lazy until early afternoon. We snacked on the things we had bought at the grocery store last night: donuts, oreos, chocolate milk, and the remaining dregs of a half gallon of melted ice cream (Sunshine's favorite). Oh, the hiker diet.

Treekiller, Sunshine and I walked to get pizza for lunch and then headed downtown to explore. We decided to catch a movie at the local theater, an indie film called "The Way Way Back", which was much better than anyone expected. When it let out, we walked to a nearby park and took our shoes off, ran barefoot through the flowers, soaked each other in the fountain, and lay in the soft grass looking up at the blue sky. It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

We lazily explored shops for the rest of the afternoon and then walked back to our hotel, estimating that we had probably hiked five miles today around town and back, and so it couldn't technically be called a zero, even if those miles weren't on the PCT.

Vogue relocated to the hiker hostel tonight and Aloha went to pick up his wife Toots Magoots from the trail, (who had pulled a 42 mile day into Ashland!), so our room of six was down to four and we went to bed at a more reasonable hour tonight.