
Thanksgiving was a delightful respite from the every day... it may have been raining in Portland, but it was sunny with bluebird skies on Mt. Hood (isn't our mountain beautiful??), so that's where we spent the day! Skiing, snowboarding, soaking in the snow-capped mountainside... and then tightening our gaiters and mittens when that afternoon snowstorm blew in. By 3:00 pm we were buried under six inches of new snow. Our muscles sore and our stomachs growling, we headed home and hunkered up next to a fire, whipped up a crockpot turkey that had been stewing all day, and munched on delicious sides before passing out at 7:00 pm. Is there a better way to spend the holiday?

I'm thankful for family near at heart, even if far away, good friends with which to spend the holiday, and a beautiful landscape to play with them in.

What are you thankful for this season?