Mother's Day Cards!

Can you believe it's May already?! Like, what happened to the first half of the year? Seriously.

With May comes Mother's Day, and this year it falls on Sunday, May 10. Which means it is.... less than two weeks away. And you should buy a card. Hint hint.

I added a few new Mother's Day cards to the shop and all the oldies from last year are still there. The new cards primarily focus on new moms, since this - apparently - is the year of babies. (At least among people I know.) Then again, maybe if you're in your 30s you should just assume that every one one your friends on Facebook is procreating and posting daily pictures of their offspring.

I also updated a version of my "long voicemail" card, as seen below. Last year it had a black iPhone on it and looked rather dark and dated, and I didn't really like it. The new white iPhone version seems to be doing well. It gained some recognition on Buzzfeed last week and has been the most popular one in the shop lately. I got slammed over the weekend and fortunately had Tanner at my beck and call to help me package orders. Yay for tolerant fiancees. ;)

Happy May, everyone!