Stitch Fix #1

If you feel like you want to try out Stitch Fix, I encourage you to sign up with my referral, by clicking here. It gives me a little bit of money to spend on my next fix and ensure that I don't look like a total hobo in normal life.

Daniel Rainn - Soloman Blouse: $68

I wanted to love this blouse, I really did. I mean, it's super cute, right?
The first time I put it on, it felt so baggy and weirdly fitting that I immediately nixed thoughts of keeping it. But then I kept trying it on, and taking photos, and pairing it with pants and necklaces, and I started to really like it.
Unfortunately, in the end, it had a few key things going wrong with it that sealed my decision:
- It is really volumous in the front. It's hard to tell in the photos, but it felt like a maternity shirt, and as I am not pregnant, that's not really the look I was going for.
- It is quite tight across the shoulders. The fabric has very little give, so I felt like my arm movements were very restricted.
- It looks very similar to a lot of other blouses I own, and I bought those tops for much less money. Sorry, pretty top.

Verdict: Returned

Market & Spruce - Aleah Heather V-Neck Dolman Top: $48

When I first put this top on, I was like, THERE IS SO MUCH FABRIC WHAT. I had no idea what to do with it. Was it a shirt? A poncho? A Batman cape? What?
But since I had my entire closet at my disposal (a real perk of shopping in the comfort of your own home!) I fussed around with it, paired it with a tank top, necklace and quirky belt, and it ended up as an outfit that I really liked.
Plus, the jersey fabric is SO soft and comfortable; it was definitely the kind of thing I wear on a daily basis. And the price wasn't too astronomical...

Verdict: Kept

RD Style - Vivianna Open-Draped Knit Cardigan: $98

I love cardigans. I don't think I own enough of them, so I was stoked when I received one in my first box (though I shouldn't be surprised... half the photos in my Pinterest board are cardigan outfits...)
Though I loved the pattern, color, and drape of this cardigan, there were a couple of nit-picky details that nagged at me:
- The sleeves are really tight, and I am not someone who wears long sleeves very often. On the rare occasion I do wear long sleeves, I have to be able to roll them up. It bugs me to eat dinner feeling like I'm trailing my shirt in my food. Plus, I'm on the move a lot at my job and get overheated very quickly. But I was almost willing to overlook that, except....
- The back of the cardigan is much higher than the front. Seriously. It looks really weird. It hit right across my butt, which made the whole outfit look awkward and bulky from the back. If only I could stand with my back against the wall all day, this might just be the perfect cardigan. Alas...

Verdict: Returned

Liverpool - Collen Straight Leg Jean: $78

I absolutely hate jean shopping. I have a small waist and wide hips, and it is the WORST trying to find pants that don't gap, fit around my bum and are actually long enough for my long legs. I usually succumb to those $20 jeans at Old Navy because they fit well enough and I don't mind as much when they fall apart in five months.
So when I got a pair of jeans in my box, I had a moment where I self-righteously scoffed, "HA!" that someone who had never seen me could possibly pick out a pair of pants for me.
And lo and behold....
They fit.
Like a glove.
Ah, beautiful, stretchy,  dark-washed jeans. I love you.
And yet....
When filling out my style profile, I checked both "wide leg" and "straight leg" as types of jeans I wear (and did NOT check "skinny jeans." My hips ain't never gonna pull those off.) But after prancing joyfully around the house in these jeans (trying to talk myself into the $78 price tag... good pants are worth it, right?) I suddenly took a look in the mirror and realized I had made a mistake.
I am not a straight leg jean girl.
I have the classic "pear" shaped body, which means I'm small on top and wide through my hips and thighs. Unfortunately, once you get past the thighs, my legs taper down into small ankles, which makes me resemble a spinning top. (Or one of those 1950s cartoon women with the wide middles and tiny, pointed toes.) That being said, skinny jeans and straight leg jeans only serve to accentuate the pitfalls of my hips and ankles. I would have been better with a nice wide-leg jean, which helps balance the shapes of my lower half.
In the end, I decided that if I could receive jeans that I ALMOST really loved, then for sure I would someday receive some wide-leg jeans that I REALLY loved. So for now, I will wait.

Verdict: Returned

31 Bits - Zita Large Beaded Necklace: $38

I thought this necklace was ghastly when I first opened it.
I don't have very many pieces of statement jewelry, but I specifically put it on my style profile because I want more in my collection. I love how statement necklaces look with a really put-together outfit. It can make or break a look. But I'm horrible at finding just the right pieces, so I was hoping for some help.
I thought this one was a bit overkill -- it was super long, super chunky, and not quite my color. But the more I played with it, the more I fell in love with it. It went with EVERYTHING in my closet. And made all my outfits 100% more interesting.
It didn't take long to realize that I was definitely keeping it.

Verdict: Kept