Illustration Class

I started taking a book illustration class, as part of my "30 before 31" goals, but also because I just LOVE taking classes, and if it's about a topic that I already adore - even better!

So far I'm loving the class. I've wanted to be a children's book illustrator since I was in kindergarten, but somewhere along the way I forgot about it. This class makes me feel like I jumped in a time machine and zoomed back to my childhood years... we get to spend all class talking about our favorite children's books (oh, the memories!) and how to incorporate color, character and layout into a brilliant 32-page masterpiece, and of course we get fun drawing assignments each week.

My instructor is an illustrator herself, and it's fascinating hearing the "inside scoop" on what it takes to make a manuscript, send it to publishers, work with an agent, etc.

I was initially a bit intimidated to take this class, since I was afraid I would be waaaaaay out of the league of most professional artists/designers these days. And truth be told, my class consists of six female students who are each extremely talented in their own way. But I don't feel as out of touch as I thought I would. In fact, I usually end the class feeling incredibly inspired, and I rush right home and spend hours with my colored pencils and pens, enjoying each moment spent in my art-world. I guess my kindergarten self really did know all along what my true calling was!

So the class has become my favorite part of my week, and I really wish it lasted longer than eight weeks. Hopefully even when it's finished I will find time to keep creating! (And to keep reading children's books... they're just as magical as an adult as they were as a child, I've found. And my favorites are still the ones I remember best from when I was young.)

Here are a few of my sketches from the first few weeks (more to come, I'm sure):